Helm and Kubernetes on Docker Desktop for Mac

Helm and Kubernetes on Docker Desktop for Mac

Deploying helm charts onto your local k8s cluster

  1. Install Homebrew; this will be used to install further tools.

  2. Install Docker Desktop and enable Kubernetes from the settings:

  1. Install Helm using Homebrew in the terminal:

     brew install helm
  2. Install k9s using Homebrew in the terminal:

     brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
  3. Run k9s in the terminal:


  4. Add a helm chart repository to your local machine:

     # helm repo add [repo] [URL]
     helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
  5. List helm chart repositories on your local machine:

     helm repo list
  6. Search for installable charts within the repository:

     # helm search repo [repo]
     helm search repo bitnami
  7. Install the bitnami/postgresql Chart into the docker-desktop Kubernetes cluster:

     # helm upgrade --install [release] [chart] --create-namespace --namespace [namespace]
     helm upgrade --install release-jelly-postgresql bitnami/postgresql --create-namespace --namespace ns-jelly-postgresql
  8. Set the namespace within the Kubernetes context:

     # kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=[namespace]
     kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ns-jelly-postgresql
  9. List releases in the namespace:

     helm list
  10. Uninstall the last release:

    # helm delete [release] --namespace [namespace]
    helm delete release-jelly-postgresql --namespace ns-jelly-postgresql